Realize the


Join us in providing a remarkable, God-centered education for Minneapolis youth at Hope Academy as we seek to double our enrollment—fostering hope for the inner city!


Do you realize?

Do you realize? Youth in Minneapolis today are facing unprecedented challenges that are putting them—and the future of our city—at risk.

icon representing the achievement gap for students in Minnesota.

Minnesota has some of the worst educational outcomes and achievement gaps in the nation for students of color

1 in 4 Minneapolis Public School students won’t graduate on time from high school

Icon describing the likelihood of GenZ being raised in non christian households

Gen Z 5x more likely to be raised in a nonreligious household than baby boomers

But at Hope Academy, students are proving that a very different story is possible for youth of the city.

Smiling Hope Academy student

Do you Realize?

Remarkable students

are realizing their God-given value and purpose.

At Hope Academy, we see the mark of God in each student, teacher, parent, and supporter—and so we expect God to do the remarkable. Hope was founded in 2000 to provide a remarkable, Christ-centered education for Minneapolis youth. When youth receive an academically-rigorous education that also celebrates the fingerprints of God within them, it fosters hope in God for them—and for the whole city.

Hope Academy Student Body:

77% children of color

70% low-income

78% of Hope Academy students live in Minneapolis

78% live in Minneapolis

Hope Academy student

Hope Academy’s Core Distinctives:

Faith-Based, Classical Education

Discipline & High Expectations

Parental Involvement

Accountability & Support

Partner Funding Model

Do you Realize?

Remarkable impact

is being unleashed through a Hope Academy education.

The outcomes of a Hope Academy education are helping Minneapolis youth find new and hopeful paths for their futures. As children from beautifully diverse and low-income backgrounds are welcomed into a safe and loving environment, remarkable things are happening. Hope Academy students not only advance academically, but develop faith and character as well through a classical model grounded in high expectations and uncompromising love.


Children thriving in a safe, loving, life-changing community

Students growing in wisdom, faith, & virtue

Graduates beating the odds & pursuing bright futures

See for yourself
Hope Academy student wearing the Hope Academy uniformSmiling Hope Academy student in a classroom

Do you Realize?

Remarkable potential

can be realized in even more students and families.

God is supplying an amazing opportunity to double the number of students Hope Academy can serve by expanding and renovating our facility. Through divine timing and extraordinary provision, Hope recently purchased in cash the adjoining property next door for far below market value. This is an opportunity for more students, parents, teachers, and financial partners to be part of a movement of hope on the rise in Minneapolis.

We aim to serve 500 more students over the next 10-12 years.

Teacher and Student at Hope Academy learning together in schoolHope Academy Student showing off their school workHope Academy student writing with pencil


Renovations have begun on the adjoining building that will double Hope Academy’s capacity—and will continue as funding allows.



Promote student wellness and fitness with our state-of-the-art gymnasium, supporting health and community.


Chapel and Performance Hall

Elevate worship, faith formation, and opportunities for students in music & the performing arts.


New High School

Relocate, enlarge, and retool our high school for maximum effect and influence.


Pathway and Innovation Center

Offer more exposure and opportunities in technology, skilled trades, healthcare and other rewarding career paths for students.


Family Ministry Center

Expand space to deepen parent-staff partnerships and provide greater support for families.


Home Construction Workshop

Create opportunities for students to build real trade skills and prepare for future home ownership.


New Campus Entrance and Foyer

Ensure safe, accessible space for student drop-off/pick-up and welcoming families and visitors.



Together, we can

realize the remarkable.

The Hope Rising Campaign is a vision for more Minneapolis children and families to discover true hope through a remarkable, God-centered education.

give Now

Hope Academy is pursuing this vision through three campaign focuses:


Student Support

$9,600+/Student Annually

A Hope Academy, tuition is customized, making it affordable for all. 90% of student costs are covered by financial partners who are invited to meet and pray for the student they sponsor. Become a financial partner to help more children realize their God-given potential. Learn about what it means to be a partner.


Hope Rising Campaign

$45 million

Through lead gifts, we’ve made significant progress on campaign funding to begin construction on the adjoining building. Help Hope Academy welcome more urban families by increasing our capacity. Renovations and construction will progress as funding allows.

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Total Raised:

$40.38 Million

Total Campaign Goal:

$45 Million

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Future Stability

Support the Free & Faithful Legacy Fund to endow the perpetual sponsorship of 100+ students. This fund ensures that we can continue to faithfully serve the children and families of Minneapolis with integrity and consistency for years to come. Learn more about giving for Future Stability.

Will you partner with us and give hope today?

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Stories of Hope

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Hope Academy Declaration

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Hope is Home

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Hope Amidst Hardship

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What it Means to be a Hope Partner

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Our HopeTech Program

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Our Experience at Hope Academy

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Hope Academy Declaration

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Hope is Home

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Lives Lost to Lives Changed

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What it Means to be a Hope Partner

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Finding Hope Again

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Our Experience at Hope Academy

Subscribe for more Stories

I can think of no ministry which has consistently yielded Christ-centered outcomes more powerfully than Hope Academy. The Lord’s favor has long remained on this great ministry and its superb leadership team and faculty.”

Jay Bennett, Chairman, The National Christian Foundation

How wonderful to hear how God is working at Hope to bring change to Minneapolis and far beyond! We’re in awe of the work God is doing there, and feel blessed to be part of the excitement!”

Dave & Michelle Schumacher, Hope Academy Supporters

Hope will arise with the new space and enrollment for children in need of education and faith.  I am so glad I can be part of this campaign for the future of our children — and HOPE for the world!”

Kit Schmoker, Hope Academy Supporter

We know that Hope Academy will have a positive, long-lasting impact on the youth of our city, as well as their families and the surrounding community.  God is doing important work there, and we can’t think of anywhere else we would like to put the resources that God has blessed us with!”

Bill & Karen Brown, Hope Academy Supporters

Hope Academy has been a tremendous blessing and support for our son and for our whole family. Hope’s firm foundation in Jesus Christ is taught and lived out in a way that makes an impact on even the most troubled kids.”


Frequently Asked Questions

Why expand Hope here? Why now?

Though Minnesota continues to have one of the worst high school graduation rates in the nation for students of color—and children in our local schools are facing enormous challenges—we’re grateful to see Hope Academy students beating the odds. By God’s grace, Hope Academy has proven to be an effective model in addressing the crisis in urban education.

What was the purchase price of the expansion property?

We were able to negotiate with Allina Health System to purchase the 153,251 sq. ft. Phillips Eye Institute property (including a 550-stall parking ramp) for a well-below market price of $6.55MM, or about $44-$46/sq. ft. (not including the ramp). Comparable properties in Minneapolis are selling for $70-$100/sq. ft. (and nicer buildings in the $200+/sq. ft. range). The cost of building a ramp is estimated between $30-40k per stall. The land value (5.6 acres) is estimated at $22MM.

Will you acquire long-term debt to renovate or expand the facility?

No. Early gifts have made it possible for us to purchase the building debt free. All renovations will be completed at the “speed of cash,” with potential short-term debt as needed.

Where is the property located?

As they say—location, location, location! The expansion property is located right next door to Hope Academy—so close that we share a common wall—making it ideal for school expansion.

How will this impact the number of students who need financial partners to attend Hope each year?

On average, 40 new students will need partners each year. Student sponsorship and Boaz gifts to Hope’s annual fund remain our top priority. We are asking our current financial partners to make gifts to the Hope Rising Campaign over-and-above current annual support. In addition, we are inviting partners to help spread a passion for Hope Academy to family, friends, and colleagues as we trust God to provide financial partners for each new student.

What does it mean to be a partner?

Partners make it possible for low-income, urban youth to receive a remarkable education by providing 70% of the cost for one or more children to attend Hope Academy. Partners are “matched” with students and invited to meet face-to-face. Partners are also invited to two Partner Day events annually to interact with students and hear inspiring stories. Throughout the year, partners receive handwritten student thank yous, HopeBriefs emails, and other insider updates. We also encourage Partners to multiply their joy by sharing Hope with friends at a tour or annual Evening of Hope Gala.

What due diligence and research did you perform before proceeding with the expansion?

Over 10 months, Hope Academy conducted enrollment and campaign feasibility studies and significant due diligence on the property facilities. We developed an acquisition plan and timeline, a 10–12-year operational pro-forma, and a plan to grow our organizational capacity. Moreover, we engaged a third-party “educational expansion expert,” with successful school-growth experience, to review all of our expansion plans. These efforts have all yielded very positive input and results.

How will you recruit 400-500 more students?

We engaged a third-party enrollment expert to conduct an independent research study. The study found that there is a strong market for, and awareness of, Hope Academy in Minneapolis and nearby target cities; and that investing effort and resources in recruiting will yield results. We will hire additional recruiting staff to increase our capacity to engage more target families.

How will acquiring this property impact operational costs?

In 2006, we moved into our current 210,000 square foot building with 115 students. For several years after, we carried fixed operational costs related to a building we were not fully utilizing. That changed as our enrollment grew and as God put into place a building partnership with MN Adult and Teen Challenge. Similarly, in the early years of the expansion, we'll carry fixed operational costs associated with this new space disproportionate to our enrollment and or cooperative partnerships with other ministries.

How will the capacity building portion of the campaign be funded beyond the campaign?

To recruit 400-500 more students, effectively manage operations, and support long-term financial sustainability beyond the campaign, Hope Academy will integrate these capacity building resources into our ongoing operational costs. An extensive, annual budgeting process will help ensure maximum cost efficiency as we grow to serve more students and families.

Who is providing campaign leadership?

Campaign Chair

Mike Brocker

CEO, Legacy Wealth

Executive Committee

Russ Gregg

Co-Founder & Head of School, Hope Academy

Jim Stigman 

Head of Institutional Advancement, Hope Academy 

Karen Brown 

retired consultant, Edge Brown Consulting

Paul Maynard

Partner, Deloitte

Robin Maynard

Hope Academy Board Member, Attorney, Lathrop GPM 

Bruce Mooty

Attorney (retired), Gray, Plant, Mooty

Dave Senger

Attorney (retired), Moss and Barnett

Kent Vanderwood

V.P./Partner, The Timothy Group, Campaign Counsel

Campaign Endorsement Council (early endorsers) 

Jeff and Widdy Bird, co-founder 

Russ and Phyllis Gregg, co-founder 

Pat and Bunny Alexander 

Jay and Sally Bennett 

Tom and Susie Boardman 

Mike and Debbie Brocker 

Bill and Karen Brown 

Rich and Ann Cammack

Bill and Karen Charron

Tom Coulter

Steve and Christa Dyer

Brian and Mindy Follett

Dan and Marty Gilbert

Steve and Liv Grosser

Steve and Carla Hamill

Warren Herreid II and Jeannine Rivet

Shea and Kerry Huston

Phil and Sharon Lindau

Dave and Becky Lucas

Paul and Robin Maynard

Bruce and Tracy Mooty

Dan and Lucy Olson

Tony and Christine Parr

Brad and Abbey Pieper

Bob and Judy Prentiss

Dave and Karen Senger

Brian and Mia Sullivan

Karen Tangen

Mark & Kim Thompson

John and Jill Trautz

Sid and Carol Verdoorn

Tom and Barb, Warner Family

WEM Foundation

*Full list available upon request.

What are the best ways to give, given that the need is $45 million over the next 3-4 years?

There are many ways to give that can reduce taxes, allowing more to reach the charitable causes you love. Ideas include: In-kind transfers of highly appreciated investments; transferring some or all of your business or real estate to a Donor Advised Fund prior to sale; Qualified Charitable Distributions (QCDs) from your IRAs;Charitable Remainder Trusts; including Hope in your beneficiary designations on traditional IRA accounts; and more. Of course, you can always give via check, cash, direct deposit or credit card. Multi-year commitments can maximize impact, and one-time gifts are greatly appreciated as well! Contact our Development team with any questions or to learn more: 612-540-2016 or

Hope Academy tour admission ticket